True grit: Another March of People with Disabilities held in Minsk

Марш людзей з інваліднасцю, 5 лістапада. Фота даслалі чытачы

On Thursday afternoon, another March of People with Disabilities took place in downtown Minsk.

In mid-October, the first rally of such kind was held in the country: people with special needs, their families and friends are protesting against police abuse and persecuting dissidents.

More than 50 participants gathered in Independence Square near the Red Church and marched along the main avenue of the Belarusian capital city. The demonstrators were chanting ‘Long live Belarus’, some were carrying white-red-white flag and symbols. Lots of passing-by drivers honked to show support for the protesters.

March of People with Disabilities in Minsk. 5 November 2020.

The road was blocked by construction machinery not far from GUM department store, and the column had to turn into Nyamiha Street. But the marchers still managed to reach Kastrychnitskaya Square, where they began to disperse.

Two girls who were accompanying the protesters were detained there, TUT.BY reports. Nasha Niva posted the video of their being taken away from the aquare:

In addition, journalist Nasta Zakharevich, who was in a flower shop near GUM during the march, was grabbed by the policemen; she was not a participant in the rally. There have been reports about the detention of media worker Illya Dabratvor who was covering the event.

‘Grannies against violence’: Pensioners’ March in Minsk and regions
2020.10.12 15:24