"Back home." Ukranians are coming back to protect their Homeland

Photographer Nadia Buzhan was going to Ukranian border to speak with people, who were fleeing from the war.

“Among the pain and despair I saw the joy of meeting the relatives and a relief from getting away from real hell. I’ve heard many different, but at the same time, similar stories. These people don’t want a war. They can’t understand why the neighbour came to their home to kill.

Watching the refugees, I didn’t notice them at first – people coming in the opposite direction to that of Poland. They passed me quickly, as if being in a hurry. Some of them were walking in groups, some were alone. I realized these people were going to passport control to get to Ukraine. Sometimes these people glanced at the refugees and their eyes met. These people were returning home, despite the war,” Nadia speaking.

This is a series of portraits of the Ukrainians, who had a chance to stay safe, but they made a different choice. These are the people for who folding their hands and just observe their country being destroyed is beyond the fear of death. They are the people who have got no fear left.