Kurapaty defender Syarhei Palcheuski released from prison

(UPD) Kurapaty defender Syarhei Palcheuski was released from prison in Akrestsin street. However, the police conducted a special operation to kill the joy of Belarusian activists, politicians and journalists who were waiting for the activist near the prison.

He was expected to leave a predetention center in Akrestsin street at 16:00. But two minivans were seen to be driven away from the premises of the prison. Palcheuski might have been in one of them. The Belarus police are in the habit of taking released activists to another part of the city to prevent friends and relatives from welcoming them.

This assumption was later confirmed by Raman Vasilyev who phoned Palcheuski and found out that the policemen drove him to Pershamayski district police department and released there.

Palcheuski, who once lay himself under the wheels of the truck to stop the construction at Kurapaty, a Stalin-era mass grave site near Minsk, was arrested on March, 7. He was sentenced to 3 days in custody under Article 23 of the Administrative Code (participating in an unsanctioned rally). It is still unknown which protest action is the case. The authorities might be retaliating for his defending Kurapaty, Palcheuski’s mother told Belsat TV.

Today Zmitser Dashkevich, a Young Front leader and former political prisoner, was grabbed by the Minsk police when he was leaving the office of the Belarusian People’s Front Council.

In late February, the Belarusian activists, including Zmitser Dashkevich and Syarhei Palcheuski, began a long-term action in defense of the memorial protesting against the construction of an office building started a few dozen meters from Kurapaty.  According to them, it is fraudulent as the building permission was granted when the area was considered a protected zone.

Why should Belarusians defend Kurapaty? (ENG subs)

The plot on which ‘Belrekonstruktsiya’ company undertook the construction of a four-storey business center was sold by the city authorities at the auction in 2013. In 2014 the protected zone was significantly cut. According to historian Ihar Kuznyatsou, it is highly likely that remains of the victims will be found here. KGB archives which could cast light on the burial plans are classified until now. After several-day protesting in Kurapaty, the developer decided to take away its building fleet. Last Thursday, the company ordered to minimize any works and take the machines away. However, Minsk City Committee has not given up the idea to stop the construction of a business center here.
