Economy Minister spoke about '500 USD' salary

According to Belarusian Economy Minister Uladzimir Zinousky, the average salary of 1,000 BYN will only be possible when labor productivity outstrips the wage growth. He said it in an interview with the ONT. He clarified that neither Lukashenka nor the government had set a goal to achieve an average salary of 1,000 rubles at any cost.

“I just want to say to you that neither the government nor the president had set a task of getting it ‘at all cost’. At specific enterprises, labor productivity must outstrip wage growth, then a good balance will be obtained, then wages will grow,” the minister said.

According to the official, “one must understand that a modernized enterprise must pay loans it took to modernize, that is, reducing external debts and raising wages is where additional funds will go.”

Belarusians have been hearing the president’s promise of $ 500 (1,000 BYN) for many years in a row. For the first time Lukashenka promised “$ 500 per capita” 14 years ago.