Sennitsa residents hold solidarity action on Medic's Day

Residents of Sennitsa congratulate medical workers on their professional holiday. Photo by Belsat readers

Free Sennitsa decided to congratulate medics unusually: they arranged a photo action to support the most vital people in the country.

  • “This holiday is both good and sad at the same time. Good because medical workers do their favorite work, save lives and make the world a kinder place. And the sad, because to be a doctor in Belarus, is:
  • to be paid pennies for your hard work;
  • to be fired for your civic position;
  • To be kept in TDFs and pre-trial detention centers for doing one’s job honestly;
  • to work tirelessly, because working conditions do not allow otherwise and lives must be saved;
  • Resuscitate people after they meet with the ‘law enforcement bodies,” the residents of Sennitsa wrote to us.
The residents of Sennitsa congratulate the medics on their professional holiday. Photos by Belsat readers
The residents of Sennitsa congratulate the medics on their professional holiday. Photos by Belsat readers
The residents of Sennitsa congratulate the medics on their professional holiday. Photos by Belsat readers

The protesters stressed that Belarusians appreciate and remember the sacrifice of medical workers of recent years:

“Thousands of medical workers have been fired for political reasons. Thousands of patients have been left without necessary treatment because their doctor was in jail. Thank you, our dearest, for your work, unselfishness, and concern.”