"10 Years Challenge" for policy and economy of Belarus

Have you changed much in 10 years – became more confident and successful, or aged and disillusioned? Hundreds of thousands of people took part in the “10 Years Challenge” and published their photos 10 years ago. During this time, not only us but our country also has changed. Alyaksandr Papko writes on the changes in question:

More gray hair, a couple of extra kilos and an almost grown up son at hand — this is how the face of the Belarusian politics has unchanged over the past 10 years. Belarusian society has matured during this time and has decreased by 37 thousand people, wages rose, but not by much.

Stanislau Ivashkevich, an economic observer:

“The principles of the Belarusian economy remain the same. The main share of it is occupied by the public sector, which is paid from the Russian subsidies from foreign loans and from other viable sectors of the economy that are suppressed in favor of unsustainable public sector.”

The rise in prices by 13% and an almost zero growth of the economy — that was the year 2009. At Christmas Belarusians received their first present — a 20 percent devaluation. Rapid economic growth is still not visible. But the private sector has grown. And “market proponents” in the government have made the ruble a completely stable currency.

The Kremlin’s aggression against Georgia and the Russian duty on oil forced Minsk to put up with the West. Lukashenka released political prisoners and Belarus was accepted into the “Eastern Partnership”.

The Kremlin has allocated another loan, and the reform ended. Today, the situation is similar. Moscow raises the price of oil — Minsk opens to the West. Lukashenka does not promise democracy, but gives hope for Belarusization.

Compared with 2009, this year does not look attractive – say we surveyed Minsk residents.

The movement is there, but there is no progress — this is how you can take stock of the last decade for Belarus. Will our country have a new and better leader after 10 years? We are waiting for the “10 Years Challenge 2029”.

Ales Papko, belsat.eu