Sum collected from 'parasites' disclosed by tax officials

More than 1,250 residents of Minsk officially became “parasites”.

The news came from Ina Kavalenka, deputy head of the department of taxation of natural persons at the Inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies of Minsk .

She also named the amount collected from “parasites” as of July 1 this year – 3.4 billion rubles (about $172,000).

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Citizens who voluntarily applied to the tax office to be officially recognized as parasites before July 1 could get a bonus – a 10% of the tax payment discount.

The date is not critical. You can pay until 15 November. Then the coercive part provided by the Decree on the prevention of social dependency – more popularly known as the “Decree on parasites” — will start.,”Minsk-News”