"We categorically deny the accusations." Statement of former and current employees of Belsat regarding the article published by Onet.pl
We are publishing a response to the article published by Onet.pl regarding alleged financial irregularities in the station’s IT services.
Is behaving like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand secure?
Politicians are not listening to historians or increasingly concerned experts.
General Command: A soldier who was injured with a knife on the border with Belarus has passed away
“Matthew, our brother in Service, you have fulfilled the words of the oath. Rest in peace”
Gold for the “Vot Tak”
Belsat’s Russian-language project “Vot Tak” already has 1.5 million viewers on YouTube
The Balkans will not experience a new war
Russia aspires to open another front in Europe, but the West has numerous tools to maintain peace in the region.
The war trader
Belarusian companies are helping Russia modernize military equipment
Quo vadis Georgia?
Despite its pro-Western declarations, the government of Tbilisi reveals its closer ties to Moscow than to Brussels.
Putin sends the economist to join the army and the Chekist to retire
It’s not a reduction in Sergei Shoigu and Nikolai Patrushev’s influence, but rather an effort to enhance the military capabilities.
Eternal Putin
He has been in power for 24 years and is attempting to surpass Stalin’s record of over 30 years in office.
Moscow is not giving up on Moldova
The Kremlin is doing everything to harm pro-Western president Maia Sandu before the elections.
The Russian ambition towards Georgia
While Moscow is losing Armenia, Georgia is starting to resemble Ukraine during Yanukovych’s term.
Encyclopedia in the service of the Kremlin. The Russian version of Wikipedia steals entries and turns them into propaganda.
Our Russian-language portal, Vot Tak, investigated how Ruviki modified articles about Ukraine, repression, and terrorist attacks in Russia.
How will Iran's attack on Israel affect Ukraine and Russia? There are several different options for possible scenarios
From a global war with the Axis of Evil to a regional incident – opinions on escalation in the Middle East.
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has claimed recently that Western politicians and media conspired to conceal the truth about the Crocus City Hall attack.
They blame Western politicians and media outlets for not “buying” the theory that the attack had a Ukrainian connection.
Belsat reporter wanted as criminal. His children too
The photo of Zmitser Lupach was displayed in front of the police headquarters in Hlybokaye.
Another Belsat project was deemed extremist by the authorities in Minsk.
Our program „Belarusian to Belarusian” has been added to the list.