Construction of Alexander Nevsky orthodox chapel at Stalin Line continues

Bust of the tyrant will be transfered to the main entrance, said the executive director of the Historical and Cultural Complex.

Нагадаем, напрыканцы чэрвеня стала вядома, што з блаславення мітрапаліта Паўла 18–19 ліпеня на «Лініі Сталіна»  адбудзецца Фестываль беларускай праваслаўнай моладзі, а каля помніка Сталіну пабудуюць каплічку імя Аляксандра Неўскага.

In late June, it was reported that with the blessing of Metropolitan St. Paul, the   Festival of the Belarusian Orthodox youth will take place on July 18-19 at the Stalin Line, and an Alexander Nevsky chapel will be built near the monument to Stalin.

The construction of the church continues, head of the youth department of the Minsk diocese Maxim Lohvinau told

Last week, the monument was dismantled. According to the executive director of the historical and Cultural Complex Stalin Line, Alyaksandr Myatla, the bust will be transfered and put near the main entrance.

Alyaksandr Myatla, who also serves as director of the Fund for Assistance to international soldiers Afghan Memory (a close friend of Viktar Sheiman), said that 90% of visitors to the complex are fine with the monument to Stalin.

“There was a man who was in charge of the country… good or bad – let the historians draw conclusions. Now we have freedom, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. We do not argue or try to convince anyone. We urge only that history should be known at least a little bit,” quotes the official.