Another two warnings against contribution for Belsat TV

On March 28, 2012 Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) members Alina Radachynskaya and Volha Chaychyts were called to the Minsk prosecutor’s office where official warnings were served to the journalists.

The both are accused of contributing for Belsat TV. Prosecutor’s office officials warned them against impermissibility of unaccredited contribution for foreign media (Art 35, Law on Mass Media).

On March 2, 2012 Zmitser Krauchuk, an independent cameraman and BAJ member, was served the same document. Thus, since the beginning of the year the Prosecutor’s office has issued eight written warnings to journalists, which were given to Zmitser Kisel (Brest), Grazhyna Shalkevich, Aliaksandr Dzianisau, Viktar Parfionenka, Mikola Dziatchenya (Horadnia).
