Zmitser Dashkevich freed from jail, but still under investigation

Zmitser’s wife Nasta Dashkevich wrote about his release on Facebook.

Dashkevich was greated by Chairman of the Movement For Freedom Yuras Hubarevich, Young Front activist Arttsyom Leuchanka, Raman Vasilyeu, residents of the house near Kurapaty and others.

Zmitser said that while he was in the KGB jail there was a trial over the participants in the unsanctioned rally at Kurapaty. He still does not know the results.

Nasta thanked the peopel who helped them by transfering money, who cooked food and all those who are indifferent.

In the solitary confinement Dashkevich read the Bible and prayed.

Zmitser was released in the status of an accused person and on recognizance not to leave.

The Dashkevich family wished everyone happy holidays.