Vox populi: ‘Belarus’ dictatorship better than democracy in Ukraine’ (ENG video)

Belsat TV journalists asked residents of Minsk whether democracy exists in Belarus and whether Belarusian authorities respect human rights. Turn English subtitles on:

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hwabhbpwefk&feature=youtu.be”][vc_column_text]”Human rights… Sometimes they respect them, sometimes don’t. It’s a well-known fact the authorities have been making no bones about it.”

“It’s sort of provocative question. One should not answer such questions in our country, which proves that our democracy is facade.”

“Usually democracy has strong commitments, there is no rampage and abuse of power. That is why I think that our society and country are democratic.”

“I cast my vote only once, during the first election, when Belarus did stand a chance. I never voted later.”

“I could tell you a lot, but I will reserve my judgment, which will be the answer to your question.”

“Yet, the laws are observed, people are protected, they have freedom.”

“In my opinion, there is no country where everything is respected. I think it’s not so bad in Belarus. For example, I would not like to live in Ukraine. I prefer our dictatorship to Ukrainian democracy.”
