'No change expected of election-2015': Street interview in Homiel

In the Belarusian city of Homiel Belsat journalists came to the place where campaigners were collecting signatures for the nomination of Anatol Lyabedzka, leader of the United Civic Party, and asked signers what they expect of the elections, how they access the current situation and what changes are needed in the country.

‘Firstly, economic reforms should be conducted. Secondly, the country is corrupted. What is aired [about corruption therapy] on television is only the tip of the iceberg. One should go further in this issue and unroot corruption from within. I realize that it is impossible to change our mentality on the spot, but specific measures should be taken – in the first instance, by our leadership. The leaders should listen to its people – not vice versa, the state should defend them, not impose high taxes and stifle businesses.’

‘There are few jobs, but a lot of young people going into higher education. My son is a second-year student, and I am worried over his job placement after the studies. Many people graduate, but nobody needs them. Also, I wish the situation with our salaries settled down. It is an open secret that our wages have been docked. Even workers of Homselmash who used to earn well receive less money. My nephew’s monthly wage was Br 8 mln, now -3.5 mln. At the same time, prices are soaring. There is no stability.’

‘Our country can boast of many good things, I just hope there will not be worse, there will be no war. I wish there were more jobs because young people graduate but have no place to work. I wish a contract system of employment were abolished in our country because now the employer has the right to order about employees while the latter are limited in their right of choice – to work further or quit.’

‘We have been weaned away from expecting something new of elections. All obsolete things which lead to nowhere will remain: our children will have no future, God grant, our grandchildren will have better tomorrow. The current situation is terrible.’

‘At the moment the country is in its stagnation period. The system of power has discredited itself. It is collapsing. They might try to ‘repair’ it after the presidential election.’
