Krychau policemen sacked after complaining of insults

Mahiliou police have published an official statement on the results of the investigation of Krychau police staff.

The investigation was launched over Ihar Vusik and Andrei Shashkou spreading information in the media “with violations of the normative acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” noted the department representative.

The official statement says that the information that the two police officers had been spreading in the media and on the Internet about the management of the Krychau police department was “subjective, anecdotal, caused a negative response in society and discredited state agencies and their heads.”

In this regard, the leadership of the regional Department of Internal Affairs prematurely terminated contracts with Ihar Vusik and Andrei Shashkou — the police officers were dismissed “on negative grounds.”

How it all started

In late April, Krychau police officers told “Belsat” about they leadership forcing them to fulfill a plan on “solved crimes” and to give up a part of their salary. In February, eleven law enforcement officers sent a letter to the Minister Shunevich, which described the conditions of their work.

Lieutenant Colonel Ihar Vusik

Later, Ihar Shunevich, head of the Belarusian Interior Ministry,  said that an inspection found a violation of discipline and departmental regulations both on the part of the head of the district police department and the “complainant, who was also under investigation.” Soon there was held an  officers’ meeting a the Krychau police station, where the majority of the participants voted excluding Lieutenant Colonel Ihar Vusik from the list of its members.