Belstat: average wage in Belarus 820 BYN

This is 24 BYN more than in May 2017.

According to the National Statistics Committee, the average salary in Belarus has been growing steadily for four months in a row. It started when the head of the state set a task to reach the level of 1,000 BYN by the end of the year.

According to Lukashenka, the state must “help people make” this amount. Previously, he spoke about five hundred dollars as a mandatory minimum. In terms of the US currency, today Belarusians earn an average of $ 432.

According to official statistics, people earn the most in the capital — more than 1,100 rubles, then there are Minsk and Hrodna oblasts. The “poorest” one is the Vitsebsk region.

On average, in June 2017, workers and employees 819.3 rubles.