Belarusians poorest in the world, research says

According to the Global Wealth Report, which assesses well-being throughout the world, Belarusians, together with Ukrainians, are at the bottom of the list of 140 countries. To determine the level of wealth, economists analyzed both financial and non-financial assets of adult citizens.

Belarus and Ukraine in the world wealth ranking occupied 123rd place. According to international economists, the level of wealth of our citizens is estimated at around 1,560 US dollars.

Interestingly, residents of Nepal who own property for $ 2,054, Cameroonians — $ 2,282, Kenyans — $ 2,306 look richer than Belarusians in the report. However, Belarusians are richer that residents of Tajikistan — $ 1,364, Zambia — $ 1,197, Syria — $ 1,190.

The richest people in the world are the Swiss, with the property of adult Swiss being more than 530 thousand US dollars. In the top ten richest countries are Belgium, Norway, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark, Singapore, France. The poorest are Ethiopia — 167, and Malawi — $ 141.