Bandarenka's rehabilitation cut short

Zmitser Bandarenka, coordinator of citizens campaign „European Belarus“ and close co-worker of a former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, was moved from a prison hospital to a quarantine department of the prison camp.

The dissident underwent a serious spine surgery in July. His condition was very serious, and in case of any neglecting during the rehabilitation, he was threatened with becoming handicapped. Before the surgery, the dissident was unable to walk on his own.

„And there you go – we have liberalization. I was transferred to a quarantine space. Maybe next week, I will be moved again. The promise of the main doctor that at least until the New Year I will stay in the hospital, went out the window. We can now forget about health concerns. But I won’t write anything to him [to Lukashenka]“ – Bandarenka wrote in a letter to his wife, published by website.

Dissidents who were granted pardon, had to write a letter in which they had to plead guilty, express their remorse and promise to improve their behavior. If Bandarenko wrote such letter, it would have been used by regime for propaganda purposes.

Ms. Bandarenka also informed that doctors who performed surgery had stressed that the rehabilitation should last at least 6 months. Her husband was refused the right to have a special medical examination which would allow for a request to change his sentence.

The dissident was sentenced to two years in a prison camp for inciting riots during a demonstration on December 19th, which gathered more than 20 thousand people protesting the election fraud. Mr. Bandarenka was nominated for Sakharov Prize awarded by the European Parliament to human rights defenders.
