Russian propaganda hits kids: Minor fashion designer stages ‘suicide’ of Ukraine

The fashion show was held as part of the International Head Wear Fair Chapeau-2014. The show was organised by Slava Zaitsev’s Fashion House.

‘Ukraine’s suicide attempt’ was a key point in the course of demonstrating of collection ‘Children of the World Are Against the War’. Its author is Alita Andrishevskaya, 10, from the town of Tula.

{movie}Minor fashion designer stages ‘suicide’ of Ukraine|right|18003{/movie}

Underage models whose dresses were in colours of flags of different countries started to fire their improvised guns at the audience. ‘Ukraine’ was the last to appear on the catwalk; then the girl pointed a gun at ‘Russia’ and ‘the USA’, then made an attempt to kill herself, which was ‘prevented’ by ‘Angel’ who took the pistol away.