Torn underwear in Minsk after Lukashenka’s harsh attack on family abuse issue

Unknown activists have hanged out torn and seemingly blood-stained ladies underwear and one men’s shirt on seven trees in Gorky Park in Minsk.

The papers bearing inscriptions ‘The police will not protect you!’, ‘Every third Belarusian is physically abused ’, ‘Every fourth female suicide in Belarus is a consequence of domestic violence’ and the hashtag #traditionalfamily have been pinned to the clothes.

The activists also left leaflets containing contact info of the organisation that help women who find themselves in crisis situations.

“We have nothing to do with the action and its organisers, but we are happy that the issue of violence against women has drawn the attention of ordinary people who are beginning to muse on this problem. We are grateful, and we support those who organised it. We believe that the action was caused by Black Friday, i.e. president Lukashenka’s blasting the draft law on combating domestic violence,” a representative of NGO Radislava told

As reported earlier, Alyaksandr Lukashenka slammed the draft law saying that the family abuse issue is nothing but ‘nonsense swiped from the West’.

“Someone invented this ‘combating domestic violence’. Now it is a very popular wording in the West. Soon there will be no families there: a man marries a man! Who will give birth to kids? Should we really borrow any norms of family behavior from them?” he said.

The Belarusian leader also said he had repeatedly hit his son Viktar with a belt.