Sell kidney to survive? Fundraising for Belsat TV program guest

The Belarusian fundraising platform Talaka has launched a campaign to help a 47-year-old woman whom local authorities threatened to take her son away.

“People, I am asking for your help! Not financial help… Maybe someone will tell me where one can sell a kidney,” Alena Kukal, a resident of Ivye district, said on social networks a few days ago.

Belsat TV journalists told their viewers the story of Alena in one of the episodes of the program Human Affairs.

Alena needs money to re-floor her house and get a new wiring through it. If she manages to do the repairs, the child protective services will get off her back. Alena is bringing up a disabled son alone in difficult conditions. Her husband broke up with her saying that he would find a young woman who will give birth to healthy children. After that, the woman had no chance to get a job: she looks after the son. The both live on the dole.

Local officials are demanding Alena should improve her living conditions on her own, otherwise the woman may be fined and deprived of parental rights.

Talaka hopes to raise up to 10,000 Belarusian rubles.