'Public Tribunal' calls for official condemnation of Stalin's repressions in Belarus

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LIRxntIDfM&feature=youtu.be”][/vc_column][/vc_row]”We must not allow for Stalinism to return. A country that cannot or does not want to openly admit the crimes and mistakes of their predecessors, is doomed to repeat them.” This statement was made by representatives of the initiative ‘Public Tribunal’, which have voiced today their findings.

Researchers and victims of repression, members of the initiative, are confident that Belarus will not become democratic until it condemns the Stalinist regime.

“We need to send this statement to the legislative and executive authorities and we hope that this will be one of the materials of the commission which was set up by our Western neighbors from Bulgaria to Estonia,” says a representative of the Memorial in Belarus, Uladzimir Ramanousky.

Several countries of the former Soviet Union took the initiative to establish an international institution to investigate the crimes of communism and to bring the perpetrators to justice. Representatives of the Belarusian “Public Tribunal”, in turn, confirms the guilt of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the organization and implementation of mass repressions and emphasize that without a fair public trial of the descendants the establishment of Belarus as a legal state is impossible.