Minsk police detain Belsat TV contributors after press conference

Belsat TV journalist Katsyaryna Andreyeva and cameraman Syarhei Kavaliou have been detained in Kurapaty.

As reported earlier, defenders of Kurapaty, the place of Stalin-era executions near Minsk, started a boycott of businesses linked to the owners of the notorious restaurant Let’s Go And Eat.

The duo livestreamed the press conference by Leanid Zaydes, an owner of the restaurant, and interviewed the activists who set crosses in Kurapaty.

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Opublikowany przez Белсат TV Piątek, 20 lipca 2018

When Andreyeva and Kavaliou were leaving, policemen – Syarhei Kniha and Andrey Putsyata – asked the journalist and the cameraman to go to Baraulyany Police Department. They intended to draw up a protocol under Art. 22.9 of the Administrative Code (illegal production and distribution of media products) upon them.

Andreyeva offered to draw up a protocol in place, but law enforcement officers forced the crew to get in the police car.

Opublikowany przez Catarinę Andreevą Piątek, 20 lipca 2018

Kurapaty defenders keep protesting against ‘dancing on the bones’, i.e. opening the restaurant Let’s Go And Eat in the vicinity of the mass grave. Activists first asked the authorities to interfere with the situation, and then decided to act independently. They are trying not to let cars to the territory of the restaurant.

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Kurapaty, a place on the outskirts of Minsk, is not just the national memorial and a mass grave of the victims of Stalinist repression; since 1993, it has been is a site of historical and cultural heritage. According to historians, 100,000 – 250,000 persons might have been killed there.

ІІ, belsat.eu