Lithuania prepares for BelNPP accident (photo story)

Within the framework of “Astravets exercises” which is taking place in Lithuania from the first to the fourth of October, 50 volunteers were evacuated from the Lithuanian city of Shvenchenis to Zarasai district and from Vilnius district to the municipality of Calvary.

This is a way for local residents to acquire knowledge on how to act in case of radiation hazard. Find out more from the photo report of belsat correspondent in Lithuania.

On September 24, Director General of the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom Aleksei Likhachev said that the first unit of BelAES is 97% ready.

It is planned to launch the first BelNPP reactor in the coming months.

У Літве рыхтуюцца да аварыі на БелАЭС: выюць сірэны, рассылаюць SMS
2019.10.01 12:12

Photos by Hanna Rusinava,