Historian Yury Turonak dies at 89

Historian Yury Turonak died On December 2 in Warsaw. He was 89. The sad news came from his friends.

Сумная навіна з Варшавы. Юрка Грыбоўскі напісаў, што сёння зранку памёр Юры Туронак.

Opublikowany przez Natallę Hardziyenką Środa, 2 stycznia 2019

Yury Branislavavich Turonak was born on April 26, 1929 in Dukshty in the Vilno voivodeship in Poland. His father was a well-known Western Belarusian politician Branislau Turonak.

He graduated from the Main School of Planning and Statistics in Warsaw. Since the early 1960s, he was engaged in historical research: the study of the Belarusian national movement at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Belarusian-Polish relations in the twentieth century. In 1986, in Warsaw, he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic “Belarus under the German occupation.”

The author of the books “Belarusian Schoolchildren in Bialystok region”, “Vaclau Ivanousky and the revival of Belarus”, “Belarus under German occupation”, “Belarusian book in the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth”, “Belarusian book under German control”, etc.
