Funny facts about local elections in Belarus

In Minsk, the observer and chairwoman of the Green Party Anastasia Darafeyeva came to the polling station wearing a squirrel suit, ecologist Iryna Sukhiy wrote on Facebook. Read about this and other funny facts that took place during the Sunday elections.

Activists of the environmental movement have appeared in public places in animal suits before. For example, they were dressed this way when they came to the rally Charnobylski Shlyakh 2017.

Села Белочка( наблюдатель от Беларусской партии "Зеленые") наблюдать, а ей коллеги наблюдатели и говорят: " Вам не стыдно вот так?", а она им в ответ: "А вам?". Больше с ней не разговаривают….

Opublikowany przez Irinę Sukhy Niedziela, 18 lutego 2018

According to polling station commissions, at most polling stations visited by Belsat journalists, over 30% of voters voted early. That’s why on the election day there were not many people at the polls. People did visit buffets actively, though.

A little more than 2 Belarusian rubles could get you food and drink here. While our correspondents worked at the polling station, all the pies with jam for 18 kopecks in the buffet were gone.

School buffets started selling vodka shots from 8:00. They cost 74 kopecks for 50 grams. Representatives of the election commission believe that on the election day, school buffets are not considered as part of the school, therefore, alcohol is not a problem.