EU offers to invest € 1 billion in Belarusian roads

The plan to update the transport network of Belarus fits within a special program of the Eastern Partnership.

The plan is part of a common trans-European project (TEN-T) with a budget of about € 13 billion and provides for the modernization of 4,800 km of roads, 6 ports and 11 logistics centers in the Eastern Partnership countries. The money for the project will be provided by the EU and the World Bank.

Беларусь зацікаўленая ў патэнцыяле Усходняга партнёрства. Эксперт: «У Менску прагматычны падыход»
2018.06.22 16:24

“The plan will help decision makers to prioritize strategic investments in transport infrastructure,” said Johannes Hahn, a member of the European Commission in the European Neighborhood Policy and EU enlargement negotiations.

Румас і Макей сустрэліся з еўракамісарам Ганам
2018.10.30 19:32

The plan for Belarus includes 10 projects with a total investment of more than € 1 billion.