Brest: Police preventively detain, threaten Belsat TV contributors

Як беларуская дзяржава гарантуе свабоду слова і працу журналістаў

Паглядзіце, як беларуская дзяржава гарантуе свабоду слова і працу журналістаў у нашай краіне.У Берасці затрымалі журналістаў Алеся Леўчука і Мілану Харытонаву.Журналісты мяркуюць, што затрыманне звязанае з тым, каб ізаляваць іх на час чарговай акцыі супраць будаўніцтва акумулятарнага заводу.

Opublikowany przez Белсат TV Niedziela, 3 marca 2019

The Brest police drew up protocols on Besat TV contributors Ales Lyauchuk and Milana Kharytonava for allegedly violation Art. 22.9 of the Administrative Code, i.e. their covering protests on February, 17.

It must have been not without reason that the journalists were detained and taken to the police in the run-up to another protest rally on March, 3:

Opublikowany przez Milanę Kharytonavą Niedziela, 3 marca 2019

A year ago, Brest residents started protesting against the construction of a hazardous battery factory by the iPower company. As the city authorities outlaw protests, people do not make speeches or chant any slogans – they just feed pigeons or carry baloons.

The duo spent about two hours at the police station. According to them, the law enforces shuffled in order to bar them from performing their professional duties.

Police officers Ruslan Khatko and Andrey Shmyaliou twisted Ales Lyauchuk’s arms and threatened to jail him for some days, the reporter told Belsat.

During the year of protest, about 70 mass events were banned. Therefore, people gather in the central square of Brest and feed pigeons, but even in this format, the authorities use repression. Many participants of the pigeon feeding were detained by the police, people were fined and held in prison. Moreover, every appearance of the Belsat journalists is punishable by heavy fines.

Orwell speechless: Brest court penalizes making snowman, covering protests
2019.01.31 14:25