Belsat Near You: Crew detained in Hantsavichy

On July 9, the local police have barred our crew from filming another episode of of the program Belsat Near You in Hantsavichy.

Journalist Ihar Kuley and cameramen Syarhei Kavaliou and Maksim Harchanok were detained.

“They told us to go to the police station claiming that we were not allowed to film there. They say they must find out what is going on and question us,” Kuley said.

Журналістаў Белсат затрымалі!

Журналіста «Белсату» Ігара Кулея затрымалі міліцыянты падчас здымак праграмы «Белсат Едзе»!

Opublikowany przez Белсат TV Wtorek, 9 lipca 2019

The Belsatters were forced to turn off their cameras. The detention is being supervised by lieutenant Kanstantsin Rudzenka. According to the officers, they were informed of the people shooting something at the local market.

(UPD) After the police got explanations, they released the crew without drawing up protocols.

‘If you see Belsat journos, call the police.’ Belarus authorities playing safe?
2019.06.06 14:14