Stencils with Belsat’s logo appear in Belarusian cities

Stencils with Belsat’s logo signed “They won’t tell you this on BT:” were sprayed at entrances to metro stations and bus stops in Minsk. BT is a state-owned TV channel, providing only censored information, not critical of Lukashenka’s regime. Internet user vandrounik14 posted on his blogg photos of the stencils.

Vandounik14 also commented on the fact that some of the stencils had been already covered with paint, and asks why city’s cleaning services do not clean walls sprayed with curse words. – Maybe they show up only when there is a political message? – wonders Vandounik14. Stencils appeared in different Belarusian cities: Vitebsk, Gomel, Minsk.

Another blogger – Zaff-bet wrote that Belsat stickers posted on a pole in Minsk city center have been there for last few months. Apparently city’s cleaning services were less disciplined in that case.

news source: Polskie Radio