30-year-old mother commits suicide after social services take away her children

The second person has committed suicide this month in Belarus after the children were taken from the family. On February 5, a 32-year-old mother of three children from the Homiel region felt it was too much for her. On February 7, a 30-year-old mother of 4 children from Hrodna region hanged herself. Volha Czajczyc talked to the relatives of the deceased.

Tatsiana Boushys committed suicide after social services took her 4 children to an orphanage.

The tragedy happened in the village of Vaikuntsy of the Voranava district on February 7. Children were taken away due to non-sanitary conditions. That same evening, Tatsiana was found dead. Andrei Boushys, husband of the late Tatsiana:

“… I opened the door, my wife hung there. I lifted her to remove from the noose, shouted to my father to bring a knife. Father brought a knife, we cut the rope, removed it from her neck. We tried to perform CPR, at the same time calling an ambulance. ”

The 30-year-old woman could not be saved. The family was on the list of socially dangerous state ones, already back in 2014. Since then, it was subjected to frequent inspections.

At school, we were told off the record that the children were polite and did well. But immediately after Tatsiana’s death, the school’s principal told the Voranava Newspaper that the family was critically unstable. The article angered the locals, who say that the principal initiated the waithdrawal of children from the family.

Andrey works as livestock breeder for 350-400 rubles a month. Now he will be charged for for the notorious “state assistance” to children in the shelter about 800 rubles per month.

Volha Czajcyc, Andrei Kozel, belsat.eu