BYPOL unveils illegal migration organizers

Belarus’ border with the European Union may look calm and peaceful. However, now our neighbors have to fence off Belarus with barbed wire. Official Minsk has organized illegal migration to neighboring EU countries. The BYPOL initiative published an investigation in which it unveiled names of the security officials responsible for the migration crisis. The special operation was called “Gateway” by civil servants.

According to BYPOL, the special operation was developed by Ivan Tsertsel (the current chairman of the KGB) together with the Russian special services. With the permission of Lukashenka and Interior Minister Ivan Kubrakou, KGB officers select and transport illegal immigrants together with border guards.

Official Minsk is using refugees as a weapon against the European Union, Angela Merkel said the day before and assured that united Europe is preparing a coordinated response. Politicians of the Baltic States also spoke about it later that day.

The President of the European Parliament David Sasoli, who visited the border with Belarus during his visit to Lithuania, promised the Lithuanian authorities to help strengthen security at the border:

“We need to step up our efforts and I will talk about it with other European institutions. Beyond this border is now a regime that is killing freedoms and wants to confront us. We cannot afford to let his aggression go unpunished! We must give an answer — with all determination. As the European Parliament, we must demand and we demand that Minsk release all political prisoners and stop using migrants as a tool.”

Polish border guards plan to build an additional fence on the border with Belarus. In mid-August alone, they detained more than 2,000 illegal migrants.

When will Minsk decide to close the “Gateway”?

Official Minsk not only puts pressure on the European Union in this way but also earns well. According to BYPOL sources, the Belarusian side receives at least 5,000 euros from each illegal migrant:

“The money does not go to the state treasury, but to the personal pockets of criminals who seized power.”

There are thousands of refugees, which means that there are millions of illegal income.

Volha Starastsina, Belsat