Who is who in Belarus' grey business schemes

Belarus is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe due to its unprecedented brutality, according to the statement by the international organization GRECO, established by the Council of Europe. But, as per the same statement, the Belarusian corruption system is devised quite intricately. Despite the fact that the level of thievery and bribery is outrageous, most Belarusians do not even realize it.

How do the Belarusian authorities manage this? How far do the tentacles of the Belarusian corruption Kraken go? How do ordinary citizens suffer from this and how much do some such feedings cost? With you – the next issue of the program Let’s Figure It Out.

In our new investigation, we examined the activities of lesser-known businessmen and those whom many have already forgotten because they successfully hide in the shadows. We will tell you how the most profitable sectors of the Belarusian economy were redistributed, and how the schemes of withdrawing money from the state treasury work.

The full text of the investigation is available in pdf, mobi, epub formats.

The photo “TUT.by” was used for the cover
