Vital Rymasheuski: It is the people who should elect common presidential candidate

To prevent presidential elections from being rigged Aliaksandr Lukashenka should be inhibited of participating, leader of the Belarusian Christian Democracy believes.
At his press conference Vital Rymasheuski paid much attention to the 2015 presidential elections. Recently Aliaksandr Milinkevich, For Freedom movement leader, had shown his willingness to fight the elections as a common candidate.
Coming at the news Rymasheuski declared that he is against any “backstage decisions” of opposition leaders. According to him, the main aim of the oncoming presidential campaign is not electing a common opposition candidate but fighting for them being free: “It is necessary to raise the question of impossibility of Lukashenka’s standing in the elections. To my mind, most people hate seeing his name on electoral lists, saying nothing of voting vor him”.