BATE Barysau coach: We expected more of match against Valencia

“Everybody expected more, including us,” Viktar Hancharenka said at the press conference after the game. “There was wonderful audience hoping for the best from us. But in the mid-field we made a lot of mistakes which cannot be excused at such level. The Spaniards were creating the situations which Soldado took advantage of”.
In Hancharenka’s opinion, there were two key moments in the course of the match: “We might have played better have not been scored at the end of the first half; Radzivonau did not use the opportunity before the second goal”. According to the coach, a team opening the score wins in 60 – 70 % cases. The scored goal strengthened Valencia defenders’ hands what led to additional pressure on BATE’s defence, he stressed. On October 23 BATE went down 0:3.
Being asked the question “Do you plan to make some change before the match against BATE, which is scheduled on November 7?” Hancharenka said: “The coaching staff is just tailored for that”. BATE coach
is looking forward to the forthcoming meeting because they will have an opportunity to correst their mistakes.
Maurucio Pellegrino, Valencia’s coach, pointed out that his team had played very compactly knowinf that the rival’s strong point is counterattacking. “We have studied BATE very good. It was impotant to defend our side and use opportunities of attack. We were carefully playing backward but with confidence – in the mid-fild. BATE usually has a lot of passes there but we succeeded,” he said.