80K Ukrainians return from abroad to defend Motherland

On March 1, the Interior Ministry of Ukraine reported that almost 80 thousand Ukrainians had returned home in the last five days, most of them are men.

“Almost 80,000 people, our compatriots, most of whom are men, have returned home. Patriots who worked or temporarily lived abroad are returning to Ukraine to join the ranks of the Armed Forces, other military formations, and territorial defense forces. We are proud of our compatriots!” reports the Interior Ministry of Ukraine.

It is also reported that on February 28, almost 108 thousand people and 15 thousand vehicles crossed the state border of Ukraine in the western direction. This is 10% less than a day ago.

The Ministry reports that all checkpoints on the western border operate around the clock. The registration process has been simplified as much as possible, the list of documents you need to have with you when leaving the country has been reduced to a minimum. Border guards and customs officials of neighboring countries have made it as easy as possible for refugees to enter their territory.
