Many happy returns! Belsat taking congratulations

On December 10, Belsat TV accepted lots of cordial greetings on the occasion of its 12th anniversary.

12 years ago, Belsat was launched as a project focused on Belarus, but now we work in five languages in dozens of countries on four continents.

We are happy to hear so many kind words addressed to us. Our viewers’ and friends’ devotion is very precious to our international team.

“The work Belsat is doing is vitally important for Belarus, for the Belarusian nation, as well as for our culture. Its programs are broadcast in the Belarusian language that is now endangered. So, it is the double work that you are taking on!” Ivonka Survilla, President of the Rada of the Belarusian Democratic Republic (the Belarusian government in exile), said.

“We need more Belsat! Those who watch it should explain to others that they also should become its viewers. In contrast to much of state-run television, it tells us the truth,” Stanislau Shushkevich, ex-Chairman of the Belarusian Supreme Soviet, said.

“With all my heart, I wish the Belarusian society would become a normal democratic society.To make it possible, different groups should have access to free media. Many happy returns to Belsat!” Alvydas Nikžentaitis, Director of the Lithuanian Institute of History, said.