Belarusian village

Italian banker fascinated by Belarusian provincial life
Italian banker Roberto had always dreamed of feeling the atmosphere of Belarusian life in the province, as well as being at a village disco. To do this, the “Welcome to Belarus” team took him to the village of Zaversha, near Drahichyn, in Palessye. They stopped in the local hotel.
French chef picks snails in Belarus
How should snails be properly cooked? Do Belarusians dare to taste an offbeat food product? French chef Boris Boignard answers these questions in the latest episode of Belsat TV program Welcome To Belarus.
British investigative filmmaker lost in middle-of-nowhere swamp: Welcome To Belarus (Episode 2)
Glenn Ellis, 55, is a documentary filmmaker from Oxford. At home Glenn is known for his films Hell in the Pacific, Delta Force, Europe’s Last Dictatorship and others.
US professor's exciting adventure in living folk museum: Welcome To Belarus (Episode 1)
Перш чым трапіць у вёску садзіць памідоры, Боб Экгард працаваў у Менску з выкладчыкамі ангельскай мовы і зрабіў лёсавызначальны крок у тэатры оперы і балету.