'Merry-go-round' voters seen in Minsk

The so-called “merry-go-round” voters have been photographed by observers at a number of sites in Kalinouski #108 constituency. “Merry-go-round” is a group of people who are moving from site to site and illegally vote there.

“The so-called “merry-go-round” voting is a proven method of fraud. At several sites the same people are used for dummy voting. This is a flagrant violation,” said the candidate for the House of Representatives of the Movement “For Freedom” for 108 Kalinouski constituency Yury Hubarevich.

According to him, the ballots from the “merry-go-rounders” are used for the benefit of the pro-government candidate and increase the turnout.

Yesterday, observers also recorded the merry-go-rounders on another site # 635.

Observers from the “Right of Choice” earlier noted that the number of voters by their calculations in some areas does not coincide with the final daily protocol (according to the Commission, more people voted). This means that the Commissions are preparing for possible ballot stuffing, which will take place of the ‘virtual’ voters, who are present in the report but were not on the site.

belsat.eu pyx.by