Homiel: Gymnasium school resumes instruction in Belarusian language

The class with the Belarusian language of instruction finished Homiel-based Gymnasium School Nr 36 several year ago. But the situation is apparently changing…

“When I started working here, the entire school was Belarusian-speaking; that is why I do not think it would be difficult to teach the language. Parents have entrusted teaching in Belarusian to me,” Lyudmila Alesyuk, teacher of 1A class, says.

At the celebratory assembly on September 1 there have been greetings, songs and poems; the Belarusian language has been mainly used at the event.

Headmistress Svyatlana Rahavenka thanked the parents of first-graders because they did hear their call to let children study in Belarusian stressing that the teaching staff is proud of the national traditions and language.

“At first, we had difficulty explaining to parents why their children should study in Belarusian. We talked to the parents, their main counterargument was the lack of the Belarusian language in everyday life. We told them that the children will gradually get acquainted with the language, step by step,” the director says.

In the academic year 2016-2017, there will be two more Belarusian-language groups in kindergartens Nr 160 and Nr 47 of Homiel (in 2015-2015, there was only one group).
