Slavery near Minsk: Small business owner chains up, batters worker

The Belarusian Investigative Committee has completed its consideration of the case of a 35-year-old entrepreneur accused of kidnapping and forced labour.

According to the investigators, the accused person forced another man to work on his garden plot and take care of cattle under duress.

The 30-year-old victim started to work for the businessman two years ago. After a while, the employer seized his passport and compeled him to come and work for free. The accused visited the worker in a nearby village, beat, bullied, repeatedly kidnapped and forcibly took him to his plot in the car trunk.

Moreover, he repeatedly enchained the victim in a barn on a chain.

The police confiscated a hunting smooth-bore gun, ammunition, small-caliber cartridges and cans of gunpowder from the defendant.

The man is charged with intentional infliction of bodily injury, the use of slave labor, kidnapping, theft of passport, illegal actions in relation to ammunition and explosives.