'No civilians harmed': Missiles fired by Russian warships cover 1,500 km to hit targets in Syria

Four Russian Navy warships fired 26 missiles at 11 ISIS targets from Caspian Sea, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced when reporting to president Putin.

The strike results confirmed the missiles’ high long-range efficiency – at distances of nearly 1,500 km, the minister stressed.

“As of today, 112 targets were hit since September 30 <…> All the targets were destroyed, no civilian facilities were damaged,” he said.

The Russian aerospace forces destroyed ’19 command posts, 12 ammunition caches, 71 military hardware pieces and six explosive device making facilities’, Russian news agency TASS reports with reference to the Defense Minister.

According to Shoigu, Russia will coordinate its actions in Syria with Turkey and United States.[/vc_column_text][vc_raw_html]JTNDaWZyYW1lJTIwc3JjJTNEJTIyaHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRnZpZGVvcGF5Lm5ldCUyRmVtYmVkJTJGaWYlMkY3eDRGVUd6cEVlVzR0NU5BR3BUMXR3JTIyJTIwd2lkdGglM0QlMjI2NDAlMjIlMjBoZWlnaHQlM0QlMjIzNjAlMjIlMjBmcmFtZWJvcmRlciUzRCUyMjAlMjIlMjB3ZWJraXRhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW4lMjBtb3phbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW4lMjBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW4lM0UlM0MlMkZpZnJhbWUlM0U=[/vc_raw_html][vc_column_text]”Without each other’s support, we will not likely solve this problem,” Shoigu told Putin.

Earlier, there were no reports on the Russian Navy’s involvement in the operation in Syria. The Federation Council only sanctioned the usage of Russian aircraft abroad.

Since September 30, Russian aviation has been making air strikes in Syria – ‘at the request of the Syrian government’ and ‘in order to defeat the Islamic State’. However, most of the attacks happened to occur in the areas, where the troops of the Syrian Free Army and other opponents of Bashar Assad are located. Civilians are suffering due to the actions of the Russian aviation.