Minsk delivery firm sells badges with Putin

The Belarusian Internet shop Moidodir offers lots of accessories to the fans of Vladimir Putin and the ‘Russian World’.

According to the website, the goods are ‘one-of-a-kind and funny’. For example, the badges bear the following inscriptions: ‘Putin Is Our President’, ‘I Am A Patriot’, ‘I Support Putin’, ‘I Trust Putin’, ‘USSR’, ‘Victory Will Be Ours’, ‘Topol-M Not Afraid Of Sanctions’, etc.

Interestingly, the shop cannot boast of any choice of souvenirs and accessories with Belarusian national symbols.


(UPD) After Nasha Niva reported the story, the shop’s owner Alyaksandr Malashonak contacted the e-paper and said they had removed pro-Putin badges from their product catalogue.
