List of services covered in full by 'social parasites' now available

The website of the Belarusian government now features a decree that defines a number of services paid in full by ‘social parasites’.

From January 1, 2019, people who are not officially employed in the economy of the country will pay 100% of the price for:

  • hot water supply;
  • gas supply, if individual gas heating appliances are installed;
  • heat supply.

But it is still unknown how it will be counted and introduced into the slips, when, for example, two official workers and one “parasite” is registered in one apartment.

At the beginning of the month it became known who falls under the category of “not engaged in the economy.” According to a draft provision approved by the government, it is “able-bodied citizens of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons (who have received a permanent residence permit) who do not perform labor, entrepreneurial, craft, creative, educational or other activities, the types of which are listed in resolution “.

The so-called “Decree on Social Parasitism” was signed in 2015, but after a wave of protests, officials were forced to redraft it.