First leader of independent Belarus turns 80

On December 15 Stanislau Shushkevich, a former Chairman of the Supreme Soviet and one of three signers of the Belavezha Accords that put an end to the USSR, marks his 80th birthday. It is him who removed neclear weaponry from Belarus. Belsat TV has collected opinions Stanislau Shushkevich viewed in our programs.


“All internal squabbles should stay within the opposition circles. If oppositionists go to people a compromise should be found. A principle of political science that compromise is an engine of democracy is being forgotten now.”

Belarus’s public property on sale

“The fact that Belarus’s public property is being sold to Russia means that a bad master who is underperforming has come to the Belarusian house. He is selling all that his ancestors left him. If this continues, such master will be left high and dry.”


“What kind of research will be fruitful? It is hard to say, especially for such oiks as [president] Lukashenka. If there is any branch where Belarusians can do anything it may bring profits. But there will never be plenty of scientific achievements in a non-democratic country because the freedom of thought and offers is needed. It is crucial people not be afraid of being charged with mismatching to the political aspects of the Dictator’s activity.”


“After democratic change in the country young Belarusians who left their Motherland in search for freedom will retur. If one is well-paid it is hard o come back to Belarus where cads are ruling. But this situation should be changed…”

Belsat TV

“For me Belsat TV is a window on a forward-looking Belarus, on its forward-looking society. It is a source of good information. I want it to broadcast 24/7”

Belarusian parliament

“If there is a normal parliament in the country, its deputies are seen [on TV] to be discussing and hearing out. Go and see how it works in Lithuanian and Poland. Belarusian MPs are as quiet as a grave. They aare oxygen thieves whose political background is close to zero. Their only task is pressing buttons.”


“If they do bring effect, why should they be lifted? There are too many political prisoners in Belarus, they are innocent sut are serving prison terms. They must be released. I do not know any better tool than sanctions.”

Nuke stations

“I support the idea of nuclear energy, but I do not like that a [new] station is being constructed at this point [Astravets]. Perhaps this is a good choice, but I have not been convinced yet.”


“They are not judges, they are clerks. They have to release unfair sentences, this is their task. It is a shame that even young girls are engaged in it. ‘If your verdicts are fair we will never let you to a feed box’, they are said.”

“No state body in Belarus is so criminal as our court is. I believe we will live to the moment of their appearing in real cort in being tried for their today’s actions.”


“Stop hoping that other people help us. In this situation it is us who should be the masters of it. How much can one take being treated like a dog?”

Belsat TV heartily congratulates Mr Shushkevich and wishes him health, luck and hapiness. Watch a film about the first leader of independent Belarus on Belsat!