Journalist to present book about Belarus’ political realities

On October 23, 2013 Andrzej Poczobut’s System Belarus (System Białoruś) is to appear in Polish book stores. The author describes Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s phenomenon, i.e. the way the first and only President of Belarus came to power and why he has still been holding his positions.

The book written in the political thriller genre shows the reader Lukashenka’s persistent fight for power, a tangly web of intrigues, an epidemic of assasinations and, of course, the main character manipulating not only his minions and the Belarusian people but also the neighbouring countries.

On the occasion of the book release, a meeting with its author is to be held in the Institute of Reporting (Instytut Reportażu, Warszawa, ul. Gałczyńskiego 12) on October 23 at 19:00. The event is moderated by Maria Przełomiec, author and anchorwoman of program Studio Wschód on TV channel TVP Info, Belsat TV being its media partner.

On October 25, 2013 Mr Poczobut is expected to be at a signning session at the bookfair in Cracow.